
I’m a visual artist living and working in Oakland. 

My work tends to fall into two categories – the blobs and everything else. 

The blobs are abstract paintings and sculptures made up of soft organic shapes, mostly rounded. They weave through each other and swim around one another. They are explorations of color and texture and meditations on internal landscapes. Lately, the blobs have been small paintings on paper, but when space permits, they like to leap off the page into 3D forms. 

Everything else includes morning mug portraits, block print greeting cards, landscape paintings from camping trips, illustrated recipes and lecture notes… the daily ways I use visual language to interpret information, make meaning, and observe the world around me.

Opportunities I’m extra interested in right now:
Illustrations (recipes, children’s books, poems, instructional manuals…)
Large scale paintings or murals
Temporary installations & decorations for events
Party/show flyers
Showing work somewhere somehow…!
Doing a residency
Meeting & collaborating with other bay area artists 🙂